Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Northern Pass: Back Off!

Brazen Disregard of and Disrespect for Nature: Northern Pass
From the stolen Native lands around James and Hudson Bays to the White Mountains

Sunday, April 17, 2016

We are slaves to the tyranny of the petro-culture!

We are slaves to the tyranny of the petro-culture, the culture of (toxic) fossil fuels. The power grid/Northern Pass is an integral part of the petro-culture. From the abstract reasons, stolen energy from the Natives/First Nations, down to the pusillanimous nimbys, reasons persist, Northern Pass gotta go! (Did you know the planned route of Northern Pass up Easton Valley goes right through the great champion Bode Miller's living room, almost) We must create our own energy from bio-fuels/soybeans, electric generators in our basements, independent from the power grid juggernaut.

Citizens Un-tied! (Free!)
United against Northern Pass
Northern Pass: Out of Easton Valley!
Bury Northern Pass in the Connecticut River
The River That Once Was Rapid
(Now it is dead)
Northern Pass: Stolen Energy
Robbed from the Native People/First Nations of Canada

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Citizen Un-Tied: United against "Citizens United"

Citizen(s) (and non-citizends) Un-Tied, United against:- fill in the blank -
Examples: police corruption, fossil fuel extraction/environmental degradation, slavery (all forms), and of course "Citizens United", and so on. We are going after 'm/Sue the Bastards; Tort Law. We can't let the assholes get away with it! Class Action v. Class Action